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Pop Culture Roadshow YouTube Channel Update

Hey everyone, I just posted a new video on my Pop Culture Roadshow YouTube channel where I share some of the fascinating items sold from my online store. Via: The Pop Culture Roadshow .

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A blog about my daily life since I decided to sell collectibles and pop-culture items I collect on eBay to help support my art career instead of taking on freelance work.

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Floor shifter.

I feel like I told them it was the shifter the first time I took it in. Read all my comics as eBooks 📚 Click here to read on Amazon!

Missing package.

Luckily I had two of them so I could ship out the second one. But I still haven't found it and I've looked everywhere! Read all my comics as eBooks 📚 Click here to read on Amazon!

Street sign.

Then I wondered has it always been there and I'm just now noticing it? Read all my comics as eBooks 📚 Click here to read on Amazon!

New car key.

I told them I didn't think the key was the problem when I took it to get serviced. Read all my comics as eBooks 📚 Click here to read on Amazon!

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