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How do I print and distribute my webcomic books?

How do I distribute my book? I distribute my book specifically on Amazon through Kindle Direct Publishing or KDP.

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A blog about my daily life since I decided to sell collectibles and pop-culture items I collect on eBay to help support my art career instead of taking on freelance work.

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Fish smell.

Seriously, I've never smelled fish like that before. Read all my comics as eBooks 📚 Click here to read on Amazon!

What dimensions, pixel count, etc. Do I use for my webcomics?

What dimensions, pixel count, et cetera, are best for print? It depends on which webcomic project I'm drawing.

Where do I get the inspiration for my webcomics?

Where do I get my inspiration? For my webcomic diary " Then This Happened... " I've been drawing that for six years. That comic is my real life. All of those are real. Most people get that I'm really writing about myself when they read those. 

Drawing and thinking.

I constantly have one project in my head while working on another.

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