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Unlock Your Creativity: The 15-Minute Daily Method I Used to Create Webcomics Without Story Ideas

No Time, No Ideas? Learn How I Started Making Webcomics in My 40s and Published Them on Amazon

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A Beginner's Guide to Medibang Paint For Webcomics

I've been creating webcomics with Medibang Paint on my Android tablet for years.  I decided to make a new video for people who have not used Medibang to show why I use it and go over some of the tools that the program has that really help my creative process.

From The Blog

A blog about my daily life since I decided to sell collectibles and pop-culture items I collect on eBay to help support my art career instead of taking on freelance work.


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Making cartoon word balloons in Medibang Paint with the circle guide tool

There is a circular guide tool in the Medibang Paint comic drawing app . And I use this to draw my word balloons.

Using the medibang paint lasso tool to resize part of my comic artwork

I can resize part of a drawing in Medibang Paint but figuring this out in the app took me a while to figure out. So I wanted to share how to do that using the lasso tool.

Using the comic panel tool in Medibang Paint

So let's get into the very first and probably most important reason to use Medibang Paint , which is the comic panel creation tool.

Monster Unlucky 2 - Bobert and the Monster Webcomic


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