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Showing posts from February, 2018

Costco kids.

It's not like they can refuse them they pay to be members.


I really wanted to check out the treehouse.


I decided to focus on that part of the day instead. If everything had not gone the way it did, we wouldn't have been able to do that together.

Open house.

We tried to figure out how the layout was different than ours when we got back home. I feel like we did a lot for a Sunday. I even printed some band shirts afterward.

S02 Episode 8: How Do You Tell Your Story And Promote It?

When you make things the goal is usually you want people to come check it out? Like these local shops do? But how do you promote something like that? And where do you find the people to tell about it? That leads to this weeks question: "How do you tell your story and promote it?" Listen to the episode Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts (iPhone) , Google Play (Android) and YouTube . My graphic novel "Then This Happened... A diary about breast cancer" is available now at - This episode brought to you by Sticker Mule - Get $10 credit towards your first order! If you create things in your spare time, you've probably thought about trying to do it for a living or maybe you're just trying to get the guts to put it out there for the first time. So what would it take to follow through and actually do it? To help understand what it's like, listen to what these local creatives...


I had two actual promos to put at the beginning of the podcast and I wasn't sure how I wanted to say them.


We just left. I didn't want her to have to get something she didn't want. Besides, when she said it I kinda wanted a tuna sandwich too.


My drummer has kind of a MacGyver ability about him. I knew if I mentioned it out loud his mind would start trying to figure out a way. He thinks he can do it.


It was just poor timing on his part. This is how it used to make me feel and why I moved on.


I just thought about what almost happened the rest of the way home. And when I got there I couldn't even remember what way I took. Not sure which is more frightening?


It wasn't just us. Seemed like most the people I interacted with today just kind of on edge.


Maybe it was just loud in there? But it's true the last three weeks they've been out. It was just an observation.

S02 Episode 7: How Do You Pay Yourself?

I get following your dream as a creative person and artist. And so far, learning that was inspiration enough. But is it worth it? Lifestyle-wise that is. The question this week is: "How Do You Pay Yourself?" Listen to the episode Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts (iPhone) , Google Play (Android) and YouTube . If you create things in your spare time, you've probably thought about trying to do it for a living or maybe you're just trying to get the guts to put it out there for the first time. So what would it take to follow through and actually do it? To help understand what it's like, listen to what these local creatives say about what they do. Here's a list of the places I talk to in each episode this season. Yellow Rose Gallery Anthology Mother Fool's Coffeehouse Pieces Unimagined Hatch Art House Stone Fence One-OneThousand Booth 121 Confectionique Bohemian Bauble Each week I ask one question and find out where the conv...

That time I talked on the phone with Shepard Fairey.

He was very nice when we spoke. The whole reason we release our work under creative commons is that we believe in the right to reuse and rebuild creative work. Still, I had hoped to meet HR the singer. Here is a link to what I had posted on my band's website in 2012


In a cubicle, you think about death a lot.


I just thought about how many times I drive the same way home. This isn't a thing that should make the day exciting.


It turned out that someone was burning sandalwood and it got out of hand.

Pop up idea.

I haven't heard anything yet but I wanted to keep trying ideas outside of my comfort zone. If you're interested and want to get involved with your own stuff email me at

CD store.

An I actually found what I was looking for which was unexpected.

Animation event.

He was a nice guy and I didn't want to be rude. But I was hoping to do more at the event.

S02 Episode 6: What Risks Do You Take?

We've talked about how seeing the work in public makes a huge difference. But what about insurance in those places, not only for you but the items you display? What about planning for the future like emergencies or health issues? So, the question this week is: "What risks do you take?" Listen to the episode Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts (iPhone) , Google Play (Android) and YouTube . If you create things in your spare time, you've probably thought about trying to do it for a living or maybe you're just trying to get the guts to put it out there for the first time. So what would it take to follow through and actually do it? To help understand what it's like, listen to what these local creatives say about what they do. Here's a list of the places I talk to in each episode this season. Yellow Rose Gallery Anthology Mother Fool's Coffeehouse Pieces Unimagined Hatch Art House Stone Fence One-OneThousand Booth 121 Confe...

Texting things.

We can't tell if it bugs him or if he thinks it's funny too. Not that it would stop us. Then This Happened... A diary about breast cancer A comic diary about our lives after my wife found out she had breast cancer. Read it on Amazon Get the ebook

Lady bird.

It was weird but went better than I thought it would. Moved on I guess.


Not an odd response to my statement at all. By the way, he was fine.

Wild hair.

It kind of made me feel ridiculous even though I don't think anyone even saw it. Then This Happened... A diary about breast cancer A comic diary about our lives after my wife found out she had breast cancer. Read it on Amazon Get the ebook

Financial guy.

I think it's like when I go to doctor's offices. My mind assumes I'm there because something is wrong. Then This Happened... A diary about breast cancer A comic diary about our lives after my wife found out she had breast cancer. Read it on Amazon Get the ebook

AMC Madison 6 Twitter account hacked.

Probably the most truthful thing they've posted in some time really. Then This Happened... A diary about breast cancer Read the ebook comic on Amazon! A daily personal diary about our lives after my wife found out she had breast cancer. Get the ebook

Tim House installation.

Inside, what sounded like old-timey banjo music played in the background and all the pictures hanging seemed strange. Almost borderline disturbing. But not. Here is the actual photo she took. Then This Happened... A diary about breast cancer A daily personal diary about our lives after my wife found out she had breast cancer. You can read the ebook on Amazon Get the ebook

S02 Episode 5: How do you find creators & the work you display?

The question I ask this week: "How do you find creators & the work you display?" With all the things we've learned about the people I've talked with this season, I wanted to know how do they find the people they work with? And what should an artist or creator do to get involved? Listen to the episode: Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts (iPhone) , Google Play (Android) and YouTube . If you create things in your spare time, you've probably thought about trying to do it for a living or maybe you're just trying to get the guts to put it out there for the first time. So what would it take to follow through and actually do it? To help understand what it's like, listen to what these local creatives say about what they do. Here's a list of the places I talk to in each episode this season. Yellow Rose Gallery Anthology Mother Fool's Coffeehouse Pieces Unimagined Hatch Art House Stone Fence One-OneThousand Booth 121 Confe...


We got the sweater.

Home from work.

She likes to joke about acting like my servant when I get home from work.

Mixing it up.

I was really happy with the direction it took by the end of the night. We recorded the practice on our YouTube channel . You can watch the final part of it that I'm referencing here -

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