Many of the people I've met on the show have talked about having something with them when inspiration hits. How creating something can be done anywhere.
Holly in the first episode talked about this.
Holly in the first episode talked about this.
It was something that was easy for me to take with me all the time... there's always a pencil, there's always paper, so that was the really easy part
I would say one of the problems I've had over the years is the opposite. I can't find a pen and paper and I always seem to forget to bring one with me.
I have a sketchbook
like every good artist is supposed to. But I set it down and forget it or it's in my bag that I usually left somewhere.
But you know what I do always have? My phone. Not gonna forget that thing. So I've been trying to work on perfecting my art skills drawing on that. I sketch my daily comic on my phone or my Galaxy S Tab
(Which has a stylus pencil that does make it easier). But those are quick drawing exercises, not meant to be precise. Just personal stories sketched out quickly in one shot. That daily ritual is to help me express thoughts and emotions without over thinking it. No erasing or trying to make it perfect. Just raw feelings.
What I'm talking about is making something that I could actually use as a print in my portfolio. That's what I want to do. And for that I am going to try and use ONLY my phone, to prove a point to myself. The point being: either it can be done or it can't be done.
So I've tried out several apps for this and out of all of them, my favorite is a free app. And I mean free. Not the, "it does two basic things and you buy it to get the rest" - free. I mean it's a free app, there is no paid version. It's called - Medibang and it's pretty awesome.
I'm happy so far with how it's working. Here is a finished example of a sketch that posted previously. I've fancied it up on my phone during my free time.
So we'll see how this goes. I do know that I've found more time to work on this since, as I said before, I do always have my phone with me.
I have a sketchbook
But you know what I do always have? My phone. Not gonna forget that thing. So I've been trying to work on perfecting my art skills drawing on that. I sketch my daily comic on my phone or my Galaxy S Tab
What I'm talking about is making something that I could actually use as a print in my portfolio. That's what I want to do. And for that I am going to try and use ONLY my phone, to prove a point to myself. The point being: either it can be done or it can't be done.
So I've tried out several apps for this and out of all of them, my favorite is a free app. And I mean free. Not the, "it does two basic things and you buy it to get the rest" - free. I mean it's a free app, there is no paid version. It's called - Medibang and it's pretty awesome.
I'm happy so far with how it's working. Here is a finished example of a sketch that posted previously. I've fancied it up on my phone during my free time.

So we'll see how this goes. I do know that I've found more time to work on this since, as I said before, I do always have my phone with me.