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I'm going to Prague!

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I'm going to Prague in November to talk about music and technology

I have exciting news! I've been asked to go to Prague in November to speak at the Ubuntu Summit about music and technology.

So not only will this be the first time I've ever left the country, but I'm going there to talk about how I create music at a tech conference.

How did this happen?

I'm going to Prague because of a podcast interview I did.

On a podcast, I talked with Erich Eickmeyer, the lead for the Ubuntu Studio operating system I use. It's a production suite that comes with open-source audio recording, video editing, and design software pre-installed.

Go here to listen to that podcast: ERICH EICKMEYER, UBUNTU STUDIO

I talked with Erich on the podcast because I wanted to meet the person that runs Ubuntu Studio just to geek out about what they do.

Well, last month Canonical, the company that runs all of the different versions of the Ubuntu operating system asked Erich if there were any musicians that use Ubuntu Studio that would be a good fit for the conference in November.

And Erich told them to contact us!

I'll be doing a live talk about how I use Ubuntu Studio to record music

Canonical contacted me and said they were interested in me doing a talk at the summit about using Ubuntu Studio as a musician.

So not only will I be going to the Ubuntu Summit in Prague but I'm going to be part of it!

I'm going to be giving a talk about the benefits of Ubuntu Studio as a creative tool for musicians and how my band Lorenzo's Music uses it to record albums.

My band is going too

When I was talking to the person organizing the conference and telling them about the band, they asked... Do you think the band could come too and play at the wrap party?

Well, what am I gonna say, no?!

Of course we will! 

So I'll be going there, doing a talk and playing music!

It has been a pretty wild experience trying to get passports and figuring out how to fly everyone out there. So yeah I'm pretty excited. 😊

And all because I decided to start a podcast to meet people back in 2017.

Listen To The Podcast


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